대구 Daegu : Random views

It's been a while, right?
Too much time passed since I was willing to put up to date this blog. It's already been 5months since I'm in Korea. Well at least I have some memories as pictures but since I've been rushed many times to the places I gone I had the tourist picture taking virus, that means I didn't care of taking time to get good pictures by willing to capture everything.

Anyway, let's show some picture of this city called 대구(Daegu).

Here is an overview of a part of the city surrounded by the mountain. Picture taken during the winter or the end of autumn. A very cool place to take a deep breath!

View from the Adam Chapel of the Keimyung University.
계명대학에서 대구 경 치

From that place it is possible to picnic or take a rest. Some wood tables and benches are available to enjoy the scenery and eat at the same time. Around that place it is possible to look over the big Chapel which is a good monument as well.

Not far from that place right in the campus on the way going up to the mountains, a lot of stairs gently offer their help to make you lose some weight by climbing them but always make the road enjoyed with a nice scenery and music playing automatically from the rocks along the way.

This way, if you go down brings you to the traditional Korean village of the university. The way up will bring you to the previous great sight shown before.

한학천에서 계단길. 올라 가면 에뎀스 차펠로 가거나 내리가면 한학천으로 가요.

Not far from the university, near a close subway station a classic view of the city. A river kissing some high buildings. This is a very good place to go walking or exercising on a sunny day. It brings to some other nice surprises like architectural and artistic buildings.
I've been quite surprised on how many apartments there can be. To me it's an huge amount compared to my country. Korean people, as I saw, tend not to have a real house with a garden but to have an apartment. From what I heard the one having houses are those in the country-side or the richer ones.

From a bridge of the Kang Chang subway station. Very close to the university.

강창역옆에 다리에서 경치.

Here an other view to show the amount of apartments. I couldn't get all of them on one picture, there's other lines on the left and the right. Quite impressing when we see that.

That's all for today's short article! Hoping for more to come~ don't hesitate to let your impressions in the comments :)

About me

Even if there's a bigger post with some informations about me I felt that it could be useful to have a proper article. For you who missed my first introduction post or for you the curious one.

Name : Julien MEYER

Age : 23 years old

Home country : France

Home City : Toulouse

Hobbies : Digital arts, sports, music



Sports & music

Practicing martial arts since my childhood I've been doing taekwondo for around 8-9years. This martial art is the reason why I'm interested into Korea and it's culture. I first learned korean words without being really interested. By growing I had a bigger interest and opened my curiosity onto Asia countries. Music also helped to maintain my interest. I listened to all types of music but I'm not so into pop songs even if there are some that I like.
I would definite my music tastes into rap, rnb, hip hop, electro, jazz, indie, classical, variety, ballad. I know that's a lot but I can like any type of music, in my opinion there's always good and less good songs. There are many songs that I can't put in a certain type of music so that's why I'm opened to various types.


Digital arts. They are my third hand who can connect my ideas with a visual representation. Since I'm teen I learned to use by myself many differents softwares with a certain level of prificiency. More efficient on some I can be kind of polyvalent. I really love to mix differents pictures to do photomontages. I was also doing some webdesigns, motion pictures and a bit of 3D. Drawing also helps me to create new structures and ideas and push myself to a higher efficiency by training more and more to represent reality as it is.


My previous studies are varied, I have electronics and industrial design background. Overall I always been interested in Arts, whatever it's form is. That's why I actually pursue Visual arts studies. Recently graduated a Bachelor degree in Visual arts I am going to study more accurately the domain I like which is Interactive and Multimedia Design.
For now, after one year in Daegu 대구 I will start the Master in Ansan 안산 South Korea.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments :)
This will be useful for people who'll maybe have the same questions.

New start : South Korea

After a few simple posts about my hopes to get the possibility to study or work to Korea I finally can pursue my goals

This "first" post is the one who'll explain everything that is initially planned for my life in Korea. Studies plan, cities I'll go, objectives, expectations, etc. The following posts will be random posts about my life there but also my achievements(or not) of my aims. I want this blog to be reflecting what I will be enduring, enjoying and feeling. I want to talk about the differences between my country and the one I'm going, the cultural shock and the level of adaptation. Of course what I expect to talk about is missing lot's of things I still don't know yet. The hardest point in all of that will be to keep this blog updated. This is the biggest problem I have.

So! Let's start with an introduction about me.

My name is Julien and I was born and raised in Toulouse a South West city of France. Actually 22 years old(going to be 23 on the 29th July) I have graduated a visual arts bachelor degree. Since I'm a child I have been practicing taekwondo which is a korean martial art. I also practiced differents martial arts but the most was about taekwondo where I graduated a black belt 1st dan. Martial arts tricking was the last intensive practice I've been doing in sports. You can look for it on youtube, it's really something to watch!

My first interest about Korea and moreover Asia was because of taekwondo. I learned about counting, spelling the differents attacks and defenses stances in korean. After some years I was also interested about the merging internet music culture of Asia. Instead of the fact that the overall "pop" movement was some industrial music I've been more into not so famous bands that I don't remember since it's very old.

My passions are Arts, digital arts to be more accurate. I'm really into 2D arts mixing some types of medias like photography, vectors and more "free" creations like paper drawings, computer generated effects. I've been doing some motion pictures and 3D. I always learned by myself but if you want to see some of my works you can go on my portfolio.

What I'm going to do in Korea.


As I finished my studies I will continue my studies for a Master degree. I will benefit of scholarships from the korean government(NIIED). Maybe if some of you are interested on how did I get those scholarships I will make a post, just ask me in comments.

Hanyang University 한양 대학교

So basically I have been accepted in the Hanyang University in Interactive & Multimedia Design Master. This is a university divided into two campus. One situated in Seoul and the other one in Ansan. I'll be in the one situated in Ansan. Seoul metro goes to Ansan but it is like 40mins away from the South of Seoul.
Before starting the master it is required to have some korean language proficiency. A level 3/4 TOPIK. I only have a level 1 actually. Hopefully, because of the scholarships I will benefit of one year of korean language study at a korean university. The first challenge will be the language. I'm really motivated and interested, people say that I'm learning quickly so I'll see if it's the same once there.

Keimyung University 계명대학교

This is the university where I'll be learning korean for one year. It is situated in Daegu, the fourth biggest city of Korea and also one of the hottest as it is said. I'm pretty curious about this city, it's not so far from Busan too. I want to visit this city since I'm not too far.

What I also want to do.

Instead of the studies, I plan to visit the country as much as I will be able to. Maybe going oversea would be a good idea too. Before going out of cities where I'll be I want to discover as much as I can from them. That means to know about the own city art culture, food culture, etc. Being close to older people and being able to discover from them would be awesome too.
I'm affraid to be unable to discover as much as I can because of some challenges like the first one which is the language, a certain level is required for me to enter the university. While traveling I will be talking to lot's of people(well I hope so!) so in a certain way I will be increasing my level of korean. It would be like discovering and continuing to learn at the same time, not bad looking at this side. However I'm not sure of anything so I'll see how it goes.

After all of that, what's next?

This is a very important point but also a point that I actually can't predict for the moment. This is going after 3years, 3years in a country I don't know at all. I think my master degree will write my path depending on what I will be learning and working on. While discovering the country I will also look for jobs informations, of course arts jobs. My aim is also to continue creating art while learning korean. I guess being in an another country is something awesome to be influenced on our own creations.
So my future will maybe be in Korea, or in France again? Who knows, maybe in a country I still don't know. Qui vivra verra. As this french proverb says.

Thanks for reading and maybe see you in the next article :)


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